Scrutinize What You Hear From the Pulpit. Go to Church With Your Brains. Don’t Swallow Everything

I want to share an important message: do not blindly accept everything you hear from the pulpit. Go to church with your brains engaged, analyze what is said, and verify it with scripture.

The Berean Christians – A Model for Us

I came across an article while researching the Berean Christians, and it reinforced a vital lesson. The Bereans, as described in Acts 17:10-15, were more noble-minded than the Thessalonian Christians. They were fair-minded, open to new ideas, and willing to listen, but they also scrutinized everything Paul preached. They did not take his words at face value—they went back to the scriptures to confirm the truth for themselves.

Many believers today are mentally lazy. Instead of studying the Bible personally, they blindly follow whatever is preached, without critical thinking or verification. The Bible instructs us to “study to show yourself approved” (2 Timothy 2:15), which means every believer must take personal responsibility for understanding scripture.

Beware of False and Misleading Teachings

I have heard preachers claim, “I have never been sick,” or “I do not take medication.” However, I have followed some of these same individuals into their old age and found that those statements were not entirely true. The Bible even records that Elisha died from an illness (2 Kings 13:14). As you age, your body changes, and you must take care of yourself through proper diet, rest, exercise, and medical checkups.

Many African Christians are easily swayed by sensational testimonies and exaggerated claims. Someone might declare that they lived underwater or that fish and snakes came out of people’s bodies during prayer. Instead of accepting these stories without question, we must ask: Is this biblical? Is this verifiable? Many testimonies are designed to manipulate emotions rather than edify faith.

The Danger of Blind Loyalty to Church Systems

Many believers serve faithfully in their churches but do not study the system they are part of. I once observed a holiness preacher in a large Pentecostal church. When it was time for his retirement, others received SUVs and gifts, but he was only given a serviced old Toyota Camry. Why? Because the system did not appreciate his strict stance on righteousness. If you preach holiness, do not depend on the system for your sustenance. Instead, create alternative avenues for God to bless you.

If you are an Anglican priest or a pastor in any denomination, study the lives of those who have gone ahead of you. Have they retired into comfort or struggle? Learn from their experiences and plan accordingly.

Think Critically and Analyze Teachings

Many doctrines that people accept as truth are based on tradition rather than scripture. For example:

  • Nowhere in the Bible does it say that there were exactly three wise men who visited Jesus. It only states that they brought three types of gifts.

  • Only one person in the Bible was buried in a coffin—Joseph (Genesis 50:26). So, where did the widespread practice of using caskets come from?

These are just a few examples of how believers accept teachings without questioning their biblical foundation. The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9) means that each of us has the responsibility to study and understand scripture personally.

Conclusion: Be a Thinking Christian

If you accept everything you hear without scrutiny, you risk deception. Jesus warned against vain repetitions in prayer (Matthew 6:7), yet some Christians engage in excessive repetition without understanding its biblical basis.

Do not live a life of spiritual assumption. Analyze, investigate, and use wisdom. If you take spiritual matters casually, you may end up as a casualty.

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