Key Principles You Need for Self Actualization | Why Do I Behave the Way I Do?

Greetings, my dear friends. I am Dr. Charles Apoki, and today, I want to share some profound insights on the principles that have shaped my journey toward self-actualization. These principles are not just theories but practical guidelines that can help you become the best version of yourself.

Let us dive in.

1. Cultivate a Covenanted Private Life with God

Your relationship with God is personal and unique. Over the years, I’ve anchored my life on scriptures that have become covenant promises between me and God. My 30-year-old Bible is filled with marked verses that resonate deeply with my purpose. These are not just words but contracts that shape my convictions and future. Remember, you are a divine project, and God will not abandon you until His purpose in your life is fulfilled.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Live Fully

Fear is one of the greatest obstacles to self-actualization. Do not be afraid to dream big or declare your goals boldly. In 2005, I made a declaration to have one million naira in my account. By November of that year, I achieved it. Success often begins with the courage to envision it.

However, while pursuing your dreams, exercise wisdom. Avoid exposing yourself unnecessarily until you have the security and stability to protect what you’ve built.

3. Be Flexible but Steadfast

Destiny is like a vector; it has magnitude, direction, intensity, and duration. Pursue your goals with determination but remain flexible. Life’s delays and detours often carry hidden opportunities. For example, when my enthusiasm for a tertiary institution project waned, a suggestion redirected my focus to a health-related school, aligning better with my vision.

4. Embrace Your Uniqueness

You are an original, not a photocopy. Celebrate your individuality and recognize that you are a champion. Out of millions of possibilities, you were created as a unique being. Divinity manifests through your authenticity. Respect yourself, live modestly, and uphold decency and self-respect in all you do.

5. Don’t Tear Up the Picture of Your Future

Never let another person’s success make you abandon the vision God has given you. Many things and people I admired in my youth have expired. Their dreams were not mine to pursue. Stay true to your path, and don’t base your life on someone else’s achievements, budget, or blessings. Your journey is unique, and your future holds infinite possibilities.

6. Think Independently

I have learned to think for myself, challenge preconceived notions, and reason independently. Avoid living as a slave to other people’s opinions, prophecies, or expectations. Cultivate your relationship with God and trust Him to guide you personally.

7. Don’t Depend on Others’ Blessings

While appreciating the success of others, never build your life on their blessings. Independence is key. Live within your means, and work legitimately for your achievements. Avoid unnecessary dependencies that could compromise your dignity or values.

8. Learn to Move On

Life is a journey, and stagnation is not an option. At various stages, I’ve moved from one phase to another—selling my hospital at 40, transitioning from full-time ministry, and exploring new ventures. Each move brought growth and new opportunities. Be willing to embrace change and keep evolving.

9. Value Profit Over Immediate Gain

There is a difference between gain and profit. Gain is immediate, but profit is enduring. Prioritize long-term value over short-term gratification. Sometimes, this means making sacrifices or letting go of certain opportunities to secure a more significant future benefit.

10. Live Simply and Purposefully

Simplicity does not mean mediocrity. Live within your means and focus on what matters most. Avoid ostentation or trying to impress others. Instead, let your life reflect purpose, integrity, and discipline.

Final Thoughts

Self-actualization is not about becoming someone else; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself. The principles I’ve shared are practical steps to help you navigate life’s complexities and fulfill your God-given potential. Remember, life is a journey, and with every step, you are writing your unique story.

Stay true to your purpose and keep moving forward. You are a champion, and the world is waiting for your impact.

Dr. Charles Apoki.

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