How the Devil Destroys Our Young Folks. This Is for All Parents

Greetings, I am Dr. Charles Apoki, and today I want to speak directly to parents. This message is crucial for all parents and young people, so please share it with your children. For over 34 years, I have mentored young people and for the last 24 years, I have run schools. Through these experiences, I’ve learned how the devil attacks and destroys our young folks—and even adults—using subtle devices.

The first tactic the devil uses is deceit. Just as Eve was deceived in the Garden of Eden, deceit continues to play a major role in leading young people astray. The Bible warns us, “Do not be deceived” (Galatians 6:7). Many young people are deceived into believing they can succeed without hard work, or that shortcuts will lead to success.

The truth is, there is no substitute for effort. Success doesn’t come from mere “smart work” without putting in hard work. Don’t be deceived into thinking you are the exception to this rule. Miracles do happen, but they are occasional interventions, not the daily norm. Relying on miracles or shortcuts instead of facing reality can lead to failure.

Another major tactic the devil uses is distraction. Distraction diverts attention from purpose and progress. Imagine focusing sunlight through a magnifying glass—it can ignite paper when concentrated. But if the focus is scattered, nothing happens. Similarly, when we allow distractions—whether they are from social media, too many friendships, or unnecessary activities—our potential gets scattered.

I was distracted until the age of 40, moving from one activity to another. I had too many friends and was involved in too many things. That scattered my focus. Some of us move from one conference to another, from one mentor to another, without ever seeing tangible results. Stay focused on principles, practices, and precedents—this is how you grow.

Disturbances can also derail your progress. Disturbances are problems that others bring into your life. It’s important to avoid getting involved in issues that don’t concern you. I’ve learned not to allow others to disturb my peace with problems I didn’t create. If you constantly get involved in issues that don’t directly impact you, you’ll lose focus on your personal growth.

For example, I once advised my wife not to get involved in a certain situation. When she ignored my advice and problems arose, I didn’t intervene. We must be intentional about avoiding unnecessary disturbances that sap our energy and hinder our progress.

One of the most common ways the devil weakens young people is through discouragement. Whether it’s failure, a difficult background, or lack of support, many people lose hope after one setback. But this should not be the case. I come from a poor background, and I’ve faced numerous challenges, including being the last remaining member of my family.

Despite these setbacks, I’ve never allowed discouragement to overwhelm me. The Bible says that David encouraged himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). I encourage myself daily, and I encourage you to do the same. Don’t let failure or disadvantage hold you back—keep moving forward.

Lastly, there is delusion. Many young people, and even adults, live in delusion—believing that things are better than they really are or that they are entitled to success without putting in the work. Social media often feeds this delusion, with people giving themselves grand titles and indulging in fantasies that aren’t grounded in reality.

Religion can also be a source of delusion. Many believe they are part of powerful families or that associating with certain spiritual leaders makes them special. But the truth is, when the chips are down, you’re on your own. It’s crucial to face reality. Know who you are and where you come from, and understand that success requires consistent effort and focus.

Parents, it’s important to teach your children to be vigilant against these traps. Teach them to avoid deceit, stay focused, resist disturbances, overcome discouragement, and reject delusion. Success comes from consistency, focus, and hard work, not from shortcuts or distractions.

Finally, I have a special webinar coming up on the 8th and 9th of November, titled “Becoming a Person of Influence.” It’s an opportunity to learn how to make an impact in this generation. You can register by sending a message to +23480 2121 9262. Register before the end of October to enjoy a discounted rate.

Together, we can raise a generation that is focused, disciplined, and ready to face reality. I remain your friend,
Dr. Charles Apoki
The Area Grandfather

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