You Don’t Go to Church to Become Rich: Where We Miss It Big Time

I’m your friend Dr. Charles Apoki, and today I want to share some hard truths. I speak from experience, having traveled extensively to preach the Word of God and having been involved in different denominations. Let me be clear: you don’t go to church to become rich.

The purpose of church is fellowship and worship, not to get blessed financially or to gamble on offerings in hopes of wealth. God blesses the works of your hands your efforts outside the church not just the money you give during service. We give in church out of responsibility, not with a gambler’s mindset, hoping for a return.

You need to have something you do outside the church that generates wealth. The church leader you follow is building their own empire, running their business. Don’t struggle to keep up with them. Be creative and productive in your own life, and God will bless you through your work outside the church.

Let me share a story: I’m currently raising money for a man who’s been bedridden for ten years after an accident. His church has not contributed a dime. When they call, they only offer suggestions like taking him overseas for treatment, but they don’t help financially. They don’t care.

Another sad case involved a young girl from one of the biggest churches in the world. My wife warned her not to travel for an August meeting because she wasn’t married yet, but she went. On her way back, she was involved in a serious accident, paralyzing her. I reached out to the church for help, but they said she wasn’t on “official duty,” despite being invited for the ordination. Can you imagine if the general overseer’s son had been in that car? He would have been flown overseas for treatment immediately.

The truth is, many of the people you defend in the church don’t care about you they care about themselves and their ministries. That’s why it’s important to serve God and focus on His kingdom, not on man. Free yourself from the shackles of mind control and seek the truth.

This message might be tough to hear, but it will set you free. I remain Dr. Charles Apoki God bless you

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