Institutionalizing the Vision in More Fertile Minds

The future of any vision heavily depends on those who will carry it forward.

Ese Apoki is my youngest child and my third son. He holds an MSc in Strategic Marketing. During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, he played a crucial role in putting our land to effective use. He challenges me to take action frequently, and, at times, this can be somewhat irritating to an African parent.

He once remarked, “Some African parents run with the baton of life until they collapse, leaving their children unsure whether to pick up the baton and continue running or to stop and revive their parents.” This statement motivated me to involve him in the vision during the lockdown.

While I may have more experience and wisdom, his mind is undoubtedly more fertile than mine. His generation isn’t afraid to think big, and his mind is unshackled. He envisions a paradise that, at times, can be intimidating to me, but I know that his intentions are good. In such moments, I act like the charge controller in a solar system.

I have walked every portion of the land with him and his two elder brothers, just as I carried my granddaughter on my shoulders through the land.

Plant your vision in the minds of your children; they carry a picture of paradise in their minds. Provide guidance and leadership. Dare to create a paradise in your mind. It is possible, even in Nigeria.

God bless you.

I remain your friend. Dr. Charles Apoki

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