Building Your Business Before Real Estate: A Practical Approach

You are absolutely correct. Real estate, like farming, should be considered a secondary or tertiary business. It is important not to use your first 1 million naira to build your house. As the Bible says, “Build your business before you build your house.”

Real estate and farming are valuable but come after establishing a solid business foundation. The Urhobo people have a saying that “Ohoro” or “Ohore” fish tastes sweeter when it is dry. However, the question remains: what will you eat while waiting for the Ohoro fish to dry?

Focus on building your business first. Once your business is stable and generating income, then you can turn your attention to real estate and other ventures.

Planning Beyond Our Lifetime: The Legacy of Trusts

The elite have long been accustomed to establishing trusts, especially among the Yoruba elite. In the video, it was her mother who transferred her shares to her, highlighting a tradition of wealth preservation and transfer.

I know people whose fathers meticulously outlined such plans before their deaths.

For instance, grandchildren continue to benefit from the rental income of properties inherited from my mother-in-law, some of which she inherited from her father.

One of the oldest universities in the world was established by Fatima using the inheritance she received from her father in Fez, Morocco.

The institution remains a testament to her foresight.

Let us strive to plan beyond our time on Earth, ensuring that our legacy benefits future generations.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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