The Cost of Making Money

Walking improves blood flow, exercises the bulk of muscle mass, and socializing with others has health benefits.

As I walked, I reflected on the cost of making money. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Interest rates: Loans come with interest, so it’s best to seek money with the least interest rates or explore interest-free options like love capital and trust capital.

2. Opportunity cost: The alternative you forgo to make money is also a cost. This is why people are paid more for working weekends, night shifts, and holiday seasons.

3. Initial outlay cost: Starting a business with high initial costs, loans, and overheads can lead to failure. Consider the value of your income over time, as inflation reduces its value.

4. Reputation: Destroying your reputation for immediate gain can have long-term consequences.

5. Physical, emotional, and social well-being: The impact on your health and relationships is also a cost.

6. Spiritual life: Remember, “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”

7. Time and effort: The time and effort invested in making money is also a cost.

8. Self-worth: The degree of depreciation of your sense of self-worth is a cost.

I deliberately left out two issues, awaiting your questions. I enjoy this mentorship group and find joy in doing it for free. Understand your body to maximize productivity, and make the best out of life.

God bless you.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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