Confession 1: Average Intelligence

I’m not exceptionally intelligent; I’m an average student who understands slowly. However, I ruminate on issues repeatedly until I grasp them, and once I do, I don’t forget. When people call me intelligent, I’m amused.

Confession 2: Memory and Meditation

I have a poor memory, so I rely on repetition and meditation. I read my notes multiple times, brainstorm with my team, and ponder topics for weeks. My bathroom and farm are ideal places for reflection, and I often receive intuition suddenly.

Confession 3: Learning from Others

I “steal with my eyes and ears,” learning from everyone, even those who may seem unconventional. My compartmentalized brain allows me to handle multiple issues simultaneously without conflict.

I can relate to people from different backgrounds and learn from diverse sources.

Confession 4: Transformation through Public Speaking

As a shy and peaceful person, I transform when I hold the microphone or preach. My memory opens up, and the Holy Spirit brings forth knowledge from years past. It’s an incredible phenomenon that empowers me to speak fearlessly.

In conclusion, my confessions reveal that:

– Intelligence is not solely about speed, but also about persistence and retention.

– Meditation and repetition can aid memory and understanding.

– Learning from others, regardless of their background, is valuable.

– Public speaking can unlock hidden potential and confidence.

I hope my confessions inspire you to embrace your unique strengths and weaknesses.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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