A Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur: Lessons and Reflections

Effective management during this period significantly impacts our cash flow for the rest of the year.

Lessons Learned:

1. Know your seasons and prepare ahead: We started preparing for this period long ago.

2. Be fruitful in all seasons: By Christmas, I’ll have broilers for sale, and by February, I’ll have garri production in place.

The Power of Presence:

1. Punctuality is key: My early arrival set the tone for the day and enforced our values.

2. Leadership by example: My presence kept everyone on their toes.

3. Personal charm and reassurance: Speaking multiple languages to new parents made them feel at home.

4. Brand recognition: Two women insisted on enrolling their children due to the brand I’ve built over the years.

5. Maintenance and infrastructure: I addressed some issues, highlighting the psychological impact of decaying infrastructure on learners.

A busy day:

– Recorded a YouTube video and a 1-hour 30-minute radio broadcast

– My wife managed a hectic time at our other school, with a large crowd of parents

Key takeaways:

– Any business requires time, effort, branding, and proper packaging to grow

– Consistently producing good results and improving facilities leads to a critical point where clients flock to you

I’m compelled to share my experience with you. God bless the works of your hands in Jesus’ name, Amen.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki.

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