The Power of Imagination

Power of imagination and declaration. Here are some lessons I want to share with you:

1. Your imagination will make you declare your intentions if they are intense enough.

2. Panpsychism will transmit your declaration to the whole of God’s creation.

3. Repeating your declaration long enough will make it taste like honey in your subconscious.

4. Your subconscious will intuitively guide you to take actions that align with your intentions.

5. Intentionality becomes your modus operandi.

6. Your subconscious generates energy and passion for your activities to match your declaration.

I declared 2020 as my decade of globalization, and despite the lockdown, I found myself doing things instinctively that led to positive responses from the world. People think I’m proud or boastful, but I’m just imitating my creator, who declared “let there be…” and it was so.

I’ve never met some of the people who have invited me to speak or collaborate, but they’ve seen my videos or posts and believe in me.

I’ve had a global family for years, and now my children are spread across three cities worldwide.

Remember, you will eventually become what you intensely admire, desire, declare, and work towards. Don’t worry about how it will happen; just live your life with God and dare to think and work like a billionaire. You are always in my heart.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki.

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