The Allotropy of Calling: Unlocking Your Purpose

I’m thrilled to share with you again today. Let’s explore the concept of allotropy and its relation to your purpose.

Allotropy refers to the existence of an element in different forms, like carbon, which exists as charcoal, graphite, and diamond. Similarly, your purpose has various facets, waiting to be discovered. Your brain has immense capacity, with 10^10 neurons, but you utilize less than 0.00001% of it.

The Bible says, “My word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” The lamp component provides short-term illumination, while the light component offers long-term vision, with details unfolding as you take steps under divine direction.

Your purpose is not a prison sentence; it evolves as you grow. As you develop yourself, purify your life with God’s word, and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, God entrusts you with bigger responsibilities. Your competency, capacity, and productivity increase, and God provides more vision and resources. Remember, life is not fair; God is a smart investor who rewards results with more responsibility.

You are your greatest limiting factor, not the devil. Guard your heart and mind, for they determine the issues of life. I didn’t plan this write-up, but creating space in my mind allowed inspiration to flow. The more I give, the more my brain produces to meet my obligations.

The Apoki Law of Divine Increasing Marginal Utility states that God rewards results with more responsibility. Don’t stagnate in your comfort zone or level of success; stale anointing is poisonous. Always ask God what’s next, and be prepared to move to new levels of functionality.

Remember to avoid church politics and toxic people. There are more mountains to conquer. Be like Caleb, preparing for your next referral for responsibility. Invest in yourself, and utilize your brain’s full potential.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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