Entrepreneurship, Business, and What the Rich Don’t Want the Poor to Know

During the Q&A session, a thought-provoking question arose: “Must every person be an entrepreneur?”


Not everyone needs to be a business owner, but we are all entrepreneurs in some capacity. Entrepreneurship involves investing time, money, skills, and taking risks to earn rewards.

If you’re in paid employment but also engage in business activities, you’re an “employpreneur.” Your salary is your dividend.

However, if your work expenses exceed your pay, it’s no longer profitable to continue, just like you would stop a non-profitable business. We are all entrepreneurs, but not all of us are business owners or businessmen.

As our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Don’t you know I should be about my father’s business?”

I, Dr. Charles Apoki, am a prophet of that business, carrying on the legacy.

Reflect on this, I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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