Upholding Principles and Integrity

To err is human, to forgive is divine. However, forgiveness is not a part of good organizational theory.

The difference between China and Nigeria is the tolerance of those who dare to disregard organizational rules and societal values. Asians and people from the Middle East do better than Africans because Africans don’t believe in the rule of law.

The reason banditry and the herdsmen crisis have festered in northern Nigeria is the lack of decisive actions by Buhari and the northern oligarchy. The reason for the insecurity in the eastern part of Nigeria is the lack of decisive leadership in the east. The reason the USA has done well is because order and law are supreme. Every action in any organization in America has its sanctions, including for Donald Trump.

This forum is guided by principles, and I am a very principled person. I expelled my elder brother’s grandchildren from my school and home. I am not a sentimental person at all. I have blocked my eldest son on Facebook before.

This young man has crossed a line we all drew in the sand. He was intentionally challenging the foundation of our faith concerning adultery. If I allow him back here, I will be a very weak and stupid mentor. If Ananias and Sapphira did not die, or Achan was not stoned to death, or Phinehas did not kill the man who brought a harlot to the camp of Israel, more disaster would have plagued the church.

If he had sent a private voice of dissent to me, I would have explained to him as we agreed upon. I am not a typical Nigerian.

It is costing us a lot to do what we do here. There are doctors, lawyers, businessmen and women, bishops, professors, and general overseers of different churches here.

I can’t afford to display the typical African leadership failure here. The change we need in Africa starts with us.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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