Faith Beyond This Life

Our faith in Christ Jesus extends beyond this life. If our hope in God is only for this life, then we are the most miserable of all people.

In all that I do, I put in my best even in the worst circumstances because I have hope and a reward beyond this life. God is not only good when things are good. He is also God and good when things are not what they are meant to be or what you hoped for. Never doubt the love God has for you in Christ Jesus.

I remember a day, about 25 years ago, when I went to church. I can still recall where I sat. I was far behind my dreams, and I knew it, though many people were unaware. Some had concluded my case in their hearts, but God was just starting with me.

The choir master sang a song titled “You Are Destined to Win.” I wept because it brought hope and focus. I had always wanted to be a global blessing to humanity. At that time, we thought Jesus would return before the new millennium, but He had better plan for me. Today, I am far ahead of what I had hoped for or imagined.

I do all I do because there is a reward waiting for me, a hope of glory. I need money to do many things in ministry, but Jesus has proved that I can buy without money. Don’t give up yet; your status is based on your joint heirship with Jesus. Divine ideas and divine connections are coming in Jesus’ name.

Today, I drove a Mercedes Benz 450 GL to the farm. Who could have imagined that three months ago? It was a gift from a brother. Focus on Jesus, apply the principles we are learning, seek Jesus’ kingdom first, and every other thing shall be added.

On a final note, I had a sore spot in life, like a stain on my life and testimony—not out of my fault, but God cleansed the shame and brought glory instead. I know some of you have pains and challenges. Know this, my dear brethren: God is still good. There is hope.

Stay blessed until I share with you again.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki

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