The Power of Acceptance

Embracing Reality: The Limitations of Name Changes

I understand your perspective, but I must insist that changing names does not lead to a change in attitude. God is not responsible for the development of nations; it is the people who resolve to change their attitudes that drive progress.

For example, when states at a subcontinental level changed their names without any improvement, it became clear that mere name changes do not address underlying issues.

Africans must learn to accept their faults and face reality, rather than attributing problems to ancestors, demons, or name changes. Consider this: who gave the name Akabulem in the first place? What was the name of the United States before it was changed?

I believe Africans should stop using the Bible as an escape from reality and instead focus on tangible actions that lead to real change.

The Spiritual and Physical Dimensions of Intimacy

God created sex, and He also created the pastor. Sex is both carnal and physical.

When you have sex with a prostitute, you become spiritually one with her. Demons can be transferred through sexual relations. The Bible warns that if you don’t have sex with your wife regularly, the devil may come in.

Intimacy should precede sex. A pastor should view his wife not merely as a sex object but as a lover. Engaging in sex with your wife does not diminish your anointing; rather, it can enhance it.

Lack of regular sexual activity can lead to conditions such as prostatic hyperplasia. Given these factors, it is important to question why a pastor would not want to engage in regular sex with his wife.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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