Mutate Your Money:

You might be wondering why I am sharing my life with you. It’s a debt I owe you. When I was dissatisfied with my rate of climbing out of the dungeon of poverty, I asked the Holy Spirit to teach me how to create wealth. I promised that if it worked, I would teach one million Africans how to create wealth legitimately.

I have never been in government or done any contracts for the government. I have hardly done any fundraising. Don’t get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with those activities. I have partners who have contributed to my projects and ministry, and I am very grateful for that. But it’s not sustainable.

Mutate Your Money

Money can take any form and can change shape to fit your ideas. Money is also an obedient servant. In fact, I wrote a book titled *Money is an Idiot*. I mutated money into real estate quite early, from the age of about 27 or 28.

Despite several challenges, like my paralyzed parents and two children needing surgical procedures at the same time, my wife and I ensured that any little sums we had were invested in ways that produced returns, which we reinvested in other things that yielded more.

Get more baby monies, not baby mamas. As you must have known, I detest adultery. Sex is cheap but has very expensive consequences. When your wife knows that you are united with her in breaking out of the prison of poverty, she works even harder than you.

At one point, I was always broke because I was investing and reinvesting with my wife. Over time, these investments have grown to become substantial sums. In 1998, I treated workers of a company in Port Harcourt and was paid 35,000 naira after a long wait. I used this money to publish *Hold on to Your Vision*, a book based on our family devotions on Joseph. That book brought in a substantial sum of money. I wrote another one titled *The Oil of Marriage*, based on lessons I learned from the problems I had with my wife, and it sold well.

Wealthy people see opportunities in most problems poor people complain about. Many years ago, I picked eight plantain suckers from a refuse dump at the entrance of our street and planted them. Those plantains have been part of what we sell in our school canteen for years now.

University degrees, religious titles, and office titles can become handcuffs and leg chains. My wife and I never considered our educational qualifications and anointing in our bid to break free from poverty and train our children to become global citizens. I have said this before: I was the first bus driver of our school and the first gate man. My wife has hardly sat on the high table or altar with me. She used to sit outside near the books or in the boot of the school bus, later an SUV, to sell books.

My wife used to cook rice to sell in our school. If I go to preach and am given a bag of rice, we don’t eat it. Instead, we mutate it by cooking and selling it in our school canteen. From that rice, we eat lunch. We mutated our home economics lab to produce snacks. The money from the canteen is used to pay for our cooperatives. The money from the cooperatives goes into capital projects. You see the mutation?

Income is a spring while wealth is a lake. Discuss. I need answers.

Have you noticed that poor people magnet problems? They are always creating emergencies for themselves by reckless living, reckless driving, senselessly being nice, taking on burdens that suffocate them, undue restlessness, talkativeness, and hot temper. Avoid trouble.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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