Useful Information and Warnings for Churches and Ministers Regarding New Conditional Advice:

Beware of What Has Landed Many Clergymen, Ministers, and Members in Prison**

To avoid legal troubles that could land individuals in prison, churches and ministers should adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Avoid Guaranteeing Loans: Do not stand as a guarantor for loans for individuals.

2. Be Cautious with Business Introductions: Refrain from introducing businesses or investment schemes from the pulpit unless you are fully aware of their origins.

3. Administer Deliverance Carefully: Ensure that members of a person’s family are present when administering deliverance or healing.

4. Be Cautious with Bail Bonds: Avoid signing bail bonds for individuals whose backgrounds or family members you cannot verify.

5. Obtain Parental Consent for Marriages: Do not officiate weddings unless you have received consent from both parties’ parents.

6. Avoid Hiding Wanted Individuals: Do not shelter individuals who are wanted by law enforcement agencies in your church or residence.

7. Respect Marital Decisions: Do not force individuals into marriage, as marital issues could lead to legal complications.

8. Manage Sick Individuals Responsibly: Do not allow sick individuals to stay in church or residence without the approval of a certified medical doctor or proper documentation.

9. Monitor Financial Transactions: Do not permit others to use your account for large sums of money to avoid accusations of financial crimes such as fraud or money laundering.

10. Verify Child Christening/Dedication: Ensure you know the gestation history of a child before conducting a christening or dedication to avoid accusations related to kidnapping or trafficking.

11. Handle Corpses Appropriately: Do not bury a corpse without verifying family presence and obtaining full medical reports and a death certificate, especially for corpses from distant locations.

12. Limit Political Involvement: Maintain a non-partisan stance and avoid promoting political parties from the pulpit to prevent legal and political troubles.

13. Be Cautious with Family Visits: Avoid visiting a family member’s home when the spouse or parents are not present to prevent potential issues.

14. Manage Conflicts Carefully: Do not accommodate individuals with personal or family conflicts, as this could lead to legal complications.

15. Inform Families When Hospitalizing: Ensure that families are aware or present when taking someone to the hospital.

16. Be Selective with Hospitality: Avoid accommodating unknown individuals in your residence, as they may be trying to escape arrest.

17. Understand Your Relationships: Be mindful of your relationships, as friends or associates may have hidden agendas that could implicate you.

Wisdom is essential in managing relationships and handling issues to avoid falling victim to legal troubles. Many have faced undeserved prison terms due to innocent involvement in complex situations.

Remember, “If you cannot do the time, do not commit the crime.”

God bless you as you heed this advice.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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