The Awakening: Embracing Practical Ministry and Spiritual Upliftment

When I started teaching these concepts, people called me names. Now, the church is waking up to face reality. Realistic ministry in this generation will be preached with practicality and results. The era of shouting “amen” is fast fading away. Ironically, the poor and religious folks will still cling to the delusional messages we grew up with.

As I always say, this group does not validate your wrong perceptions. It causes spiritual upheaval and upliftment in your life. This woman has summarized several of my lectures here, and I am so happy that I have living witnesses.

Lessons on Independent Thinking and Responsibility

This is very instructive. There are many lessons to deduce from here:

1. Think Independently: If you don’t use your brain to think independently, people will use spirituality to influence, imprison, and impoverish you. Dare to question every spirit.

2. Leave an Inheritance: If you don’t leave an inheritance for your descendants, they will turn you into an object of ridicule.

3. Balance Your Philosophy: Don’t get carried away by the philosophy that we brought nothing into this world and will take nothing away, and be reckless with your life. Balance it with the idea that “a righteous man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.”

4. Contribute to the World: While it is true that we did not bring anything into this world, this world sustained us during our stay here. Please, let’s leave something behind as our rent or hotel bills for our stay here.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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