Strategies for Overcoming Temptation

I am tempted like many other men, whether or not there are quarrels. However, I have a mental image of my wife imprinted in my subconscious. When I am tempted, her image is superimposed on that of the other woman.

Secondly, I have cultivated a natural dread for women who try to seduce me, knowingly or unknowingly, because of the consequences I have seen with greater and stronger men who fell into adultery.

Thirdly, I always have a mental bell that warns me: “If the one at home can give me trouble, then this wild one can be even more problematic.”

Fourthly, I have developed what I call intellectual orgasms from various activities I engage in outside of sex.

Most importantly, I have done extensive studies on adultery from the Bible and have come to a deep conviction that it’s not worth it, even if I were not a Christian.

Even at my age, I am still tempted because old guns can still fire. The first look does not cause the problem; it’s usually the second look and regular contact. If you drink alcohol, every woman becomes “beautiful” after the second glass of wine.

Most men who commit adultery love God and love their wives. They just refuse to FLEE. FLEE, FLEE.

I remain your friend Dr. Charles Apoki

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