Finding Balance in a Busy world

Balance is Key

When the truth is stretched too far, it becomes a fallacy. In life, everything should be done with wisdom and strategic thinking.

The rich I have studied work very hard until they reach the 100 hours of work a day mark. They must have first fulfilled the 10,000-hour mark much earlier in their lives. What they now do is employ very smart people to handle the 100 hours a day work and increase the number of workers by expansion and diversification.

They combine their experience and formula from the 10,000-hour principle with the brains of very smart people. That’s why you see smart pilots, engineers, accountants, and administrators working for B and C students.

At this stage, usually in their 60s, they concentrate on thinking, decision-making, and calculated risk-taking. They become more analytical. They practice the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 rule. They focus on the most productive areas of their businesses and delegate the rest.

They use the network built over the years very effectively. The rich and elite don’t have bitter quarrels like the poor. The poor fight to finish, while the rich know that they are a special tribe no matter their nationalities, religions, races, and political differences because money speaks the same language. They know they need each other to spread their tentacles over the commonwealth. They use the poor to fight for them and make the poor fight each other.

They do all this so they can have time to think, pray, plan, relax, and enjoy their wealth. They then feel guilty and start foundations to help the poor and society. This again increases their popularity, social leverage, influence, brand, and more wealth.

They can take care of their health from that age onwards because old age needs a lot of maintenance. I make more money with less effort and movement today. I thank God for the grace that comes with aging.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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