How Do You Escape from the Snare of the Rich and Become a Different Kind of Rich Person?

Many Are Called, Few Are Thieves

Yesterday, a scammer tried to advertise a fake investment scheme here. Thank God you were alert and wise enough to notice the thief. I know the family is eagerly awaiting the way of escape from the prison of poverty, but I am still waiting to make sure all family members have completed their first course before I dish out the next one.

In the meantime, I have prepared a cup of nice Kericho tea with Lugazi sugar for us this evening. If you prefer coffee, I will serve coffee from Lafto in Addis Ababa.

The Power of Land: An Investment for the Future

I want to encourage you to buy land in your countries and cities. This family is mostly made up of young people, and land and time are among the strongest assets of the rich. Purchase land in the peripheral areas of your communities. In ten years, you will become very rich.

I started buying land when I was 27 or 28 years old. I have been repeating this process for 35 years. Even today, I bought more land, and tomorrow I plan to acquire another big property. Land is the only legitimate thing you own with God; that’s why you are called a landlord. God spent a lot of time discussing land with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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