Visualization and Self Belief

The Power of Visualization and Self-Belief:

My parents instilled in me a great vision and confidence. The old boys of Government College Ughelli, whom I admired, made me believe that I could become and achieve anything I set my mind to. However, there is always a battle between the possibilities in my life and the restraining forces of my nature.

The subconscious mind is not logical, so I project my thoughts into my possibilities. Like the woman with the issue of blood, I envision the outcome and the applause, seeing excellence in my mind before I undertake any task. I visualize it until it becomes a profound part of my spirit. To do this effectively, I need to be alone and undisturbed.

Embracing and Amplifying Your Unique Gifts

Concentrate on what is unique about you and develop it. Amplify your strengths to silence the voices of criticism.

I’ve discovered that when I truly understand an idea, I possess a gift for extrapolating it to other areas of understanding. Two practices that greatly assist me in this are meditation and prayer. In my reclusive state, I meditate extensively.

My approach to prayer is subtle and personal. I rarely pray loudly or for extended periods. Instead, I pray with my lips moving silently, sometimes without even being fully aware that I am praying. As you refine this practice, you may find yourself praying at the speed of your thoughts.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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