Life lesson and knowledge to apply:

I am thrilled to connect with you once again. I always feel a sense of fulfillment when I share my life experiences with you.

Life is like a perfume; unless it is sprayed, its fragrance remains of no value bottled up. The more people I can share my life with, the happier I become. I hope to leave this world empty, with my grave being the poorest because I will have given everything I have.


1. Be Bold

   Notice that I did not concern myself with whether Americans were present or with the many pastors who had been in ministry long before I started. Boldness is key.

2. Be Knowledgeable

   Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Study goes beyond reading books (though I have read many); it involves keen observation and analysis. I stay calm and unexcited about situations, focusing instead on studying people, places, phenomena, politics, trends, and performances. Meditation helps me synthesize my message and deliver it effectively, even amidst distractions.

3. Pray at the Speed of Thought

I rarely pray aloud; instead, I pray at the speed of my thoughts. By projecting my mind, I create the atmosphere I desire. Intentionality is crucial—don’t act on instinct alone. Criminals and terrorists are often more intentional in their planning. For example, consider the meticulous planning behind the 9/11 attacks or Pablo Escobar’s operations. Security agencies often react reflexively, but special forces track down individuals like Osama Bin Laden. Train your mind to be special, and you will stand out.

4. Dare to Think Differently

   Thinking differently from the crowd will increase your value. Creativity and opportunities arise from daring to be different. This distinctiveness makes you outstanding.

5. Legacy of Uniqueness

   I hope that my great-grandchildren will watch this video and feel proud that their ancestor was a unique African and a different black man. My aspiration is for us, as a family, to be exceptional and to inspire future generations.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

God bless you all.

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