The Power of Gradual Growth

Few Things Happen Suddenly

Life unfolds in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and then years. How you spend these units of time determines whether your life is wasted or invested.

You waste your life if you let seconds pass by without attaching any duty or responsibility to them. Conversely, you invest your time by setting daily targets and addressing challenges consistently. By focusing on your goals and achieving small successes daily, you can become a great success story over time.

Riches do not come suddenly; they accumulate gradually, penny by penny, to become substantial wealth. Brilliance doesn’t appear overnight; it comes from daily reading and problem-solving. To become erudite, you must learn new words consistently.

Intentionally seek to add value to your life and avoid trouble each day. This approach will lead to a peaceful marriage and a fulfilling life. I have adopted the philosophy of improving everything and everyone I encounter, a mindset I developed at 26. After 38 years, I am living proof of its effectiveness.

Just as constant drips of water can erode concrete, small, consistent efforts can yield significant results. Conversely, small wastages can lead to poverty or bankruptcy. Let your minutes, hours, and days count.

In developed countries, people are paid by the hour, and companies make billions from the surplus of your time converted into months and years. Turn this understanding around to make a profit from your life.

I look forward to hearing your testimonies about the results of redeeming your time.

God bless you.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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