Don’t Be Stagnant in a Fast-Changing World:

I am often surprised when people still call me, wanting to visit to discuss a problem. I usually suggest they simply buy airtime and call me instead. You don’t need to spend on expensive transportation when a video call can achieve the same result. It saves you time, stress, money, and the risk of an accident.

My value system has evolved. I don’t consider it disrespectful if you chat with me at an agreed time. Over the past months, I’ve been counseling people from different cities and nations without ever meeting them in person.

Since the recent increase in petrol prices, I no longer need to visit the farm daily. I monitor activities through my phone and have instructed my workers on what to do from a distance.

My son has been working from home as a cloud engineer for over a year now. He rarely goes to the office, which saves the company significant costs in rent, transportation, electricity, water, and man-hours. He also enjoys more time with his family.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I’ve been conducting my ministry through social media. This approach has allowed me to make a more significant global impact than ever before. If you are still holding on to traditional methods like fellowship and church committee meetings, it’s time to gradually upgrade.

Publishing books online is now easier and more efficient than traditional printing. Selling digital books eliminates the hassle of handling physical copies. While some people cling to outdated practices, you can move forward and stay ahead. Those who lag behind will eventually catch up.

Data has become the new currency; invest in it wisely. One post can reach more people than are present in your church service. For instance, I preached at a church convention attended by fewer than 5,000 people, yet the video has garnered over 100,000 views on my YouTube channel alone.

Consider Dr. Sandra Lee, known as the Pimple Popper, who has 7.83 million subscribers on YouTube. As a dermatologist, she gained fame through videos of simple surgeries, which were not possible during my medical practice years. The income from 1 million subscribers—let alone 7 million—can amount to millions of dollars. She has transitioned into roles as an actress, advertiser, dermatologist, and TV show host—all stemming from her clinic work.

The world no longer has boundaries in many areas. You can become many things to different people simply by excelling at what you do. The world is waiting to see you and support you.

After all, I’m writing this while still in bed.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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