Why Some Very Intelligent People Are Poor


Do you have a friend who is very intelligent, knowledgeable, but unproductive? I have met some of these people. When they retire from banks or as civil servants, they often struggle to find anything they can do on their own. They can analyze, question, and debate, but most times, they don’t produce any tangible results.

It is good to plan and strategize, but it is better to be inspired by God. You might remember my concepts: inspiration, information, intuition, instincts, instruction, and impartation, which lead to productivity and improvement. Someone once said that a man who spends too much time aiming has never shot a bird. If you keep aiming and aiming, the bird will fly away, the animal will run off. Sometimes, you just need to shoot in the general direction. Aim and shoot!

Some people overanalyze, strategize, discuss, and consult, but they never do anything. I was discussing this with Pastor Abraham, and he mentioned that “overanalysis leads to paralysis.” When I get inspired or have an idea, I move. Sometimes I might seem crazy, but I produce results.

Recently, several people have sent me messages suggesting how I could improve my videos. They say, “Do this, do that.” But I’ve produced results. How? I decided, after God inspired me, that it’s not about the intro or outro, or the editing—it’s the content that matters. So, I just started. I started, and I’ve seen growth. Later, we added the intro and outro, and now people are bringing products for us to advertise. Just start. Just do it. Get up and do that thing you’ve been dreaming about!

Stay blessed. I am your friend. Dr. Charles Apoki

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