ONE of the Most Abused Scriptures | an Instrument of Extortion and Exploitation


Today, I want to discuss one of the most misinterpreted scriptures in the Bible: “Give, and it shall be given unto you.” Many people understand this scripture as referring solely to monetary offerings in the church or the seeds you sow. However, it is not explicitly specified as such; it is simply the law of reciprocity.

When people see me, their first reaction is often to laugh or smile. This is because I have sown smiles and laughter into the lives of others. The memory of whatever I’ve said returns to them, and in turn, they give back laughter and smiles to me.

Learn this lesson well: the day you dare to live beyond your immediate needs and consider the needs of others, eternal life has begun. The moment you start thinking about things that are honourable, things that bring joy and peace to others, eternal life has started.

If you want to receive laughter, give laughter to others. If you want to see smiles, give smiles, and you will receive even bigger smiles. If you seek happiness, bring happiness into the lives of others, and you will find joy in their happiness. If you desire financial growth, teach others how to manage their finances and help them grow; you will see yourself grow financially.

The more I teach people about entrepreneurship, the more my mind expands with new ways to generate revenue. The more wisdom I share, the wiser I become. So, think about others and what you can contribute to their lives. The more you make your spouse happy, the happier you will become. The more you help your spouse become independent, the more independent and satisfied with life you will be. The more love and attention you give to the citizens of your nation, the more they will pay attention to you and provide you with security.

However, the more you take from life without giving back, the less you become. I’ve observed photographs of kidnappers, and they all look harsh and worn—this is what a life of taking without giving leads to.

Learn to live beyond yourself. Give to others, and by “give,” I don’t mean with an entitlement or parasitic mentality. Be contributory and responsible. I add value to people’s lives, and in turn, some people add value to mine. I’ve noticed that many things I once chased after are now pursuing me. So, learn today to add value to people’s lives. Contribute positively, and stop tearing others down, making them feel inferior. The more you uplift and empower others, the greater you will become.

Thanks for a good read.

I remain Dr. Charles Apoki

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