HOW to Break Forth ,When You Are Limited With a Great Vision and Potentials


I can still guide you in breaking limitations in your life. Sometimes, you have a great vision, yet you feel restricted. I have always wanted to be a global icon, a global citizen. When I see people on the global stage, I envision myself in their place, particularly after the Nigerian Golden Eaglets won the Kodak Trophy. At that time, I was just 25 years old, and I told myself that one day I would bring pride to Nigeria. I would write on my books that I am an international conference speaker, even though I hadn’t yet left the country.

First, declare your intentions. Don’t be afraid. Be like God, who said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Speak to these dry bones and declare your intentions. Say it aloud and don’t be afraid.

Second, be at the right place at the right time with the right people. Moses’s mother placed Moses in a basket, and Pharaoh’s daughter came at the right time, met Moses in the right place, and acted rightly. Similarly, I went to preach at a church in Aba, where the pastor’s name was Oolo. While I was speaking, someone from the Assemblies of God Church in Enugu District, working with Professor Paul A.A., heard me. He took my message to Enugu and told Reverend Professor Paul that he should invite me to speak. I was then invited to speak at the Enugu Indoor Sports Hall to thousands of Assemblies of God men. Dr. Chidi was sitting near me and asked if I could preach this message in Umuahia. I agreed, and we went there together, and I spoke, crossing another barrier. But then I faced another limitation: I wanted to go beyond the West African coast.

Thank God for the internet. One day, I Googled missionary organizations in East Africa, and a website popped up that I can’t find anymore. The man on the site asked which countries I wanted to go to, and I said Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. Soon after, I received a letter from Kenya. I didn’t know the people, but sometimes you need to set out in the dark, like Mary Magdalene. I didn’t know who I was going to meet. I landed in Nairobi, and there was a placard with my name, Dr. Charles Apoki. I followed the person who held it, took a bus to Busia, Kenya, and met John Serea, the president of the pastors in Busia. From there, I met another man, whom I call Buade, and he took me to Kampala. That’s how my journey started. Someone must introduce you to someone else.

Third, take risks. Be willing to try and hazard a risk but be calculating. That’s how I got to Kenya and had a wonderful time. From there, I went to Nairobi and preached. That is the journey of breaking the barrier of international ministry.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki.

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