Stop Praying in Ignorance and Stop Being Exploited


African Christians, please stop listening to the doctrines of demons and the testimonies of schizophrenic people. Many of the people whose testimonies you listen to about being witches and wizards and attacking others are actually schizophrenic. They can attack those who are not born again, who are not Christians. Even if they are not born again, let me explain: the devil needed permission from God before he could attack Job because God built a hedge around him. It wasn’t because of tithes or offerings. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. His eyes are constantly watching over us. Who would allow his child to be attacked by his enemy? No one.

Let me tell you this: before the massive advent of Pentecostalism in Nigeria, Catholics, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and Anglicans were doing very well. In fact, a lot of the old money in Nigeria and most of Africa, as well as those who occupied and still occupy prominent positions in the world—from the Rockefellers to Catholics in America to those all over Nigeria and Africa—were not speaking in tongues. Some of them did not attend tithe-paying churches, but God still blessed and protected them. If you want to pay, that is your faith, but learn this: witches and wizards cannot attack you if you are a child of God unless your life is empty. The Bible says that when a demon is cast out of a man, it goes around in desolate places looking for where to stay. If it comes back and finds the mind of that person—his former abode—empty and clean, it goes to bring seven more wicked spirits.

So listen carefully: why did it bring seven more wicked spirits? It was because the house was clean and empty. So, number one, jealously guard your heart. Number two, think about these things: fill your heart with plans, purposes, projects, projections, and people that will bring about the glorification of God in your life. Place your mind on things that will bring honor and glory to God. Always think positive thoughts—thoughts of development, humanity, helping people, and being a blessing to others. You will not have demons and witches worrying you. If you come to the families I come from, you would be so scared, but they don’t worry me; they can’t worry me because there’s no relationship between darkness and light. I am a son of God, seated in heavenly realms with Christ Jesus. He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world.

Now go to those churches, those places where you see people who are demonized and confessing. Many of them have wickedness in them; many of them have the spirit of rebellion. Once you have the spirit of rebellion, disobedience, bitterness, anger, jealousy, frustration, wickedness, theft, greed, or promiscuity, you attract the devil, no matter the praying and fasting. Until your heart is changed, your life will not change. Just go around the churches and look at the kind of people coming to pray. Look at the kind of people carrying water, palm oil, and other items. A lot of them have a fundamental problem with their attitude. The devil is not as powerful as many of you think. Learn this, and you will live a fulfilled life. You may think I’m ignorant, but no—I come from where there are witches and wizards. They don’t attack me; they never have because even madmen fear transformers.

A madman, when he sees an electric transformer, won’t touch it even when there is no electricity in it because he fears it. That’s the way you are when you are connected to divinity.

I’m your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. God bless you.

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