It Might Delay but Your Season Will Eventually Come


It’s close to midnight, but I needed to make this video because today has been very special. I had to catch a flight to Lagos, and some funny things happened.

When I got to the Ubi airport, right from the check-in counter, the men recognized me. As I presented my ticket, the young man at the counter said, “Dr. Apoki, I follow you on YouTube.” Then one of the immigration officers recognized me and mentioned my series, “Financial Orgasm.”

In the departure lounge, a fine young man who lives in Pretoria came to greet me. He is a chief, and then another person approached, and another, and another. As we were boarding, I saw one of the members of the P-Square group. The twins are well-known, and as one of them passed by, he acknowledged me with a gesture. I reciprocated, not realizing he recognized me from afar. As we climbed the steps, he turned around, shook my hand, and told me to continue giving advice to men on my YouTube channel. I never knew he followed me there.

When I boarded the plane, I discovered that the pilot and co-pilot had been watching me from the cockpit. They were excited to welcome me onboard, and the recognition continued.

Let me share some key principles with you: What you earnestly desire will come to pass in your life. What you intentionally pursue will come to pass. What you intentionally declare will come to pass. Intentionality is very important. Inspiration is very important. Intense desire is very important. You must declare it, and you must drive it. I was telling Pastor Abraham that something big is coming and that the big one is on its way. When you keep declaring it, remember the concept of panpsychism. If you don’t know the meaning, please Google it. Keep declaring it, and the environment will hear you.

I never knew there was a podcast called “Nedu and the Honest Bunch” until I received a phone call from them. They hurriedly booked a flight for me to go to Lagos, and I participated in that podcast. Since then, my life has never been the same again. I declare unto you that your dream, desire, declaration, or pursuit will come to pass. You will receive a phone call or a message, or meet someone who will transform your circumstances in the name of Jesus. If you believe it, type “amen.” Many of you are very multi-talented, with great potential and gifts within you, waiting for that major breakthrough. I declare unto you that it will come to pass. You will receive a phone call, hear a message, meet someone, or be noticed. Don’t give up—your light will not be extinguished. You will shine and blossom. You are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works prepared for you in advance.

As I landed at the airport in Lagos, I encountered more people who recognized me. What bothered me most was seeing some of our Northern brethren, Muslims, sitting on their mats about to pray. One of them recognized the clothes I wore for the program with “Nedu and the Honest Bunch,” and I greeted my Northern brethren there. They follow me on YouTube. One security man also greeted me and asked if I wanted my vehicle to pick me up from the same place where prominent individuals are picked up. He follows me on YouTube as well.

Your turn is next. You won’t remain in your current situation forever. When I was on the farm doing those videos, some people thought that was the end of my story. No, your case is next in line for God’s consideration.

God bless you! We’ve reached 90,000 subscribers. Please subscribe to this channel and share the videos.

God bless you. I’m your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki

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