The Magnetic Power of Self-Development: A Call to Elevate

Attracting Success and Fulfilment Through Personal Growth

Self development is the key to unlocking your full potential and attracting success and fulfilment into your life.

By cultivating a growth mindset and investing in personal growth, you can develop a magnetic power that draws in opportunities, resources and experiences that align with your goals and aspirations.

The Power of Self Awareness

Self Awareness is the foundation of self development. By understanding your thought, emotions and behaviors, you can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for personal growth.

I have a challenging message to share, and I understand that it may offend some of you.

Stop Hawking Yourself

To “hawk” means to sell products and services by moving from place to place, hoping customers will come. This is usually less organized than marketing.

Marketing, on the other hand, involves brand development, packaging, targeting, advertising, and strategic retailing. It requires a SWOT analysis—Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Before arriving in Ughelli, I had developed substantial financial strength, a network, intellectual capabilities, and experience in managing both a school and a ministry. I had also embraced core principles and values from the Igbos and my church, especially under Bishop B.C. Edohasim. I looked up to models like Archbishop Benson Idahosa.

I learned that prestigious institutions like Oxford and Cambridge do not advertise for students; they produce excellent results and attract applicants based on their reputation. Similarly, some universities come to Nigeria to scout for students.

I was advised to let the results of my work speak for themselves. When people saw the positive outcomes of our efforts, they began to bring their children to our schools and attend our conferences without the need for aggressive advertising.

Churches and companies started to treat me with respect, and I received more valuable gifts. As we continued to improve, criticism diminished, leaving only a few disgruntled individuals.

Don’t be deceived by religion; the best way to receive is to have. You can’t give what you don’t possess. The poor are often despised, and their sins are judged more harshly. They also tend to harbor hatred and aggression towards one another, often making enemies on behalf of the successful.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility.

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