Nigeria Has a Way of Catching Up With People | Nigeria Protests

Recently, I took a break from my usual routine to observe the ongoing protests in Nigeria against bad governance. Despite the heavy presence of security forces and legal injunctions aimed at suppressing these demonstrations, the resilience of Nigerians in their quest for justice and freedom is evident.

A Glimpse into the Current Situation

The recent protests reveal that Nigerians are increasingly reclaiming their right to express dissatisfaction with the state of the nation. The bravery of young men and women braving threats and obstacles signifies a growing defiance against oppressive governance. Notably, even those who were leading protests in 2020 have either relocated or taken on new responsibilities, highlighting a shift in focus but also an enduring spirit of resistance.

The Impact of Bad Governance

The protests, including those from Northern youths, underscore that issues like hunger, poverty, and insecurity are widespread. The negative impact of poor governance under both Buhari and the current administration is felt across all regions, showing that no segment of society remains unaffected. While it’s not fair to solely blame President Tinubu for the current issues, his association with Buhari, whose tenure was marked by significant mismanagement, contributes to the ongoing problems.

The Hypocrisy and Manipulation

One distressing aspect of the protests was the manipulation of vulnerable people. Reports emerged of women being promised money to protest against the protests, only to be defrauded. This highlights the extent to which poverty and desperation are exploited for political gain. Such tactics reflect a disturbing reality where poor individuals are coerced into opposing their own interests.

A Call for Effective Security Measures

The heavy deployment of security forces to control protests reveals a troubling prioritization of protecting elite interests over public safety. Instead of using security resources to suppress dissent, they should be redirected to tackle pressing issues like terrorism and insecurity. A more effective use of these forces could significantly address problems in conflict-ridden areas such as Zamfara State, Enugu State, and the Sambisa Forest.

The Spirit of Nigeria

Nigeria has a unique way of catching up with those who fail its people. History shows that individuals who have contributed to the country’s struggles often face consequences, either directly or through their descendants. This includes political figures and military personnel who have historically thwarted democratic processes or engaged in corrupt practices.

A Future of Accountability

The current state of the country serves as a reminder that the consequences of poor governance and corruption are inevitable. Even the elite are not immune to the repercussions of a failing system. This is evident from the recent disruptions affecting everyone, including politicians and business owners, due to issues like flight cancellations and power shortages.


Nigeria’s challenges are deep-rooted and complex, but the spirit of its people remains unbroken. The protests and public outcry demonstrate a collective desire for change and accountability. As we move forward, it’s crucial for everyone, particularly those in positions of power, to recognize that the consequences of their actions will eventually catch up with them.

For those who resonate with these insights, please subscribe to my channel, share this message, and stay engaged with the ongoing discourse for a better Nigeria.

God bless you.

— Dr. Charles Apoki

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