How I Escaped From My “Wife’s Bra” | For Men Only: What Wives Don’t Want You to Know

This message is for the men of the Church of God Mission Men’s Fellowship, from all over the country and beyond.

Understanding and Empowering Women:

One common fear among men is the thought of their wives dominating them if they are empowered. This fear is not unfounded, as many women may struggle to manage power and authority appropriately. Men often fear that their wives having more money and recognition could overshadow them, leading to suppression.

However, I didn’t marry my wife to make her less than who she was born to be, and she didn’t marry me to diminish my potential either. My commitment has always been to help her become the best version of herself. I imagine that if my wife were a male child in her family, she should be able to excel and bring value to herself, her family, society, and the world. Thus, I have never feared her success because I continuously work on improving myself and setting higher visions.

The Principle of Gradual Improvement:

The Bible says, “thy desire shall be for thy husband, but he will rule over you,” indicating a tendency for women to want control over men. However, I develop a mind of my own, much like what you’re watching on YouTube and social media. My wife initially tried to discourage me from consistently posting because she felt it diverted attention from her. But if I prioritized her over my growth, she would eventually focus on our children and businesses, leaving me behind.

Men often neglect their own development and projection beyond marriage. Remember, you have a life beyond marriage. This is not to diminish the importance of marriage but to emphasize the importance of personal growth.

Standing Your Ground:

At times, my wife and I had disagreements about control and responsibilities. I would tell her, “Felicia, you are not my mate.” This wasn’t out of disrespect but to assert my independence and growth. I ensured she did not hold me to ransom with food, finances, or intimacy. I always invested in myself, my projects, and my visions.

When I started preaching on the radio, my wife wanted me to deliver messages that aligned with her expectations. But I insisted on delivering messages that would attract parents to our school by stimulating their intellect and showcasing developmental Christianity.

Continuous Self-Development:

As I grew intellectually, spiritually, and financially, my wife came to admire and respect me more. Love is important, but mutual respect and admiration come from seeing each other grow and succeed. I intentionally globalized myself, diversified my income sources, and built independence outside our joint ventures.


To the men reading this, always strive to develop yourself intentionally. Apart from being a husband and father, live a life of fulfillment. Don’t just exist; thrive and find joy in your personal achievements. This intellectual and financial independence will not only make you admirable but also give you a sense of fulfillment beyond your marital responsibilities.

God bless you.

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