The Future of Ministry Is Not in the Hands of Regular Pastors.

I recently watched a video where a well-known pastor spoke about the importance of tithing, even to the point of saying that if you don’t tithe, your car tires will burst, and you shouldn’t buy Christmas clothes if you haven’t paid your tithes. While I have nothing against tithing, the overemphasis on it has become an object of mockery to the body of Christ.

The Problem with Wealth and Statistics:

There is a focus on wealth and statistics in the ministry today. If you go online, you will see lists of the richest pastors in Nigeria. Everyone wants to be among the rich. But does it matter how rich someone else is as long as you can maximize your life and live comfortably? I slept on an expensive bed last night, but I’ll wake up the same way I would if I slept on a simpler bed. There’s a level of comfort beyond which extra payments are not worth it.

The Size of Cathedrals:

Another issue is the competition for the biggest cathedrals. These buildings cost money, and often the emphasis is on the number of services and the size of the congregation rather than the quality of the ministry. Multiple services often mean the same choir, the same elders, the same deacons, and the same drama, all to avoid opening branches and giving others a chance to be heard.

Self and Showmanship:

There is also a lot of self-promotion and showmanship in the ministry today. This overemphasis on tithing and self-promotion is driving people away from the body of Christ. We need to remember the passion for the work of God that brought us into ministry, not the pursuit of personal gain.

Ministry in the Last Days:

Ministry in the last days will not be in the hands of regular pastors alone. It will be in the hands of people like me—professionals with businesses and resources who preach the gospel not for money but for the love of God. I make more from my business transactions and speaking engagements with companies than any church could ever pay me. Yet, I remain committed to the ministry because God has been so good to me.

A Call to Action:

Do not run away from the service of our Lord Jesus Christ because of the actions of a few misguided individuals. This is our father’s inheritance that Jesus died for. We cannot abandon it. Use your money, time, and resources to bless humanity and redirect people, especially in Africa.

We need to address issues like drug addiction, prostitution, and unemployment. The church should be teaching people how to grow businesses, organize cooperatives, and support each other, not just emphasizing tithing.

God bless you all.

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