Negative Masculinity and Polygamy.

In our society, there is a significant focus on negative masculinity. This is evident in the constant emphasis on “2-minute man,” “3-minute man,” and “5-minute man,” which reduces masculinity to mere physical performance. On the flip side, we see feminism that often highlights physical attributes like breasts and buttocks rather than intellectual prowess. True feminism should showcase brains, not just physical attributes.

Misconceptions About Masculinity:

Men are endowed with muscles and power due to testosterone, but these should not be used for violence. Real men, or men of valor, use their strength to defend positive values, not to unleash violence. Joining a cult or being violent stems from a sense of insecurity and emptiness. True masculinity doesn’t need a crowd to feel secure.

Example of Negative Masculinity:

I saw an instance of negative masculinity recently with the bodyguard of a popular musician, Kiss Daniels. This bodyguard pushed a person away and later carried someone and threw them. Such behavior is a display of negative masculinity. There are stronger, more powerful men who use their physique to protect the weak and defend justice. That is positive masculinity.

Polygamy and Its Misconceptions:

Discussing polygamy with my son, Dr. Anderson, I emphasized that while men produce many sperm cells, it doesn’t mean they are designed to be polygamous. The high number of sperm cells is to ensure survival, as many do not make it to fertilize the egg. Historically, polygamy was a survival strategy due to high child mortality rates and labor needs. However, in modern times, monogamy aligns with God’s original design—one man, one woman.

Positive vs. Negative Masculinity in Relationships:

Having testosterone and being sexually active doesn’t justify promiscuity. Concentrating your sexual energy on one woman creates value and fulfillment in the relationship. I have been married to my wife for 38 years without committing adultery, and I encourage the same for my son.

The Essence of Positive Masculinity:

Positive masculinity is not about physical toughness or the number of women a man can attract. It’s about being responsible, gentle, and using your strength to protect and uplift others. Negative masculinity, on the other hand, involves being rough, unpresentable, aggressive, and violent. It’s not the number of beer bottles you can drink or the drugs you consume that makes you a man—it’s your ability to handle responsibility.

Feminism and Intellectual Empowerment:

Feminism should focus on intellectual empowerment rather than physical attributes. Africa is not blessed by showcasing women’s physical features, but by celebrating and harnessing their intellectual capabilities.

The Call to Nurture Positive Masculinity:

I urge everyone to cultivate and nurture positive masculinity. Avoid the trappings of negative masculinity that focus on aggression, irresponsibility, and superficial values.


Let us strive for a society where masculinity is defined by responsibility and positive values rather than physical toughness or promiscuity.

God bless you all.

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