NO Matter What You Do and How You Start Just Be Consistent.

Unexpected Encounters

I stepped out of the vehicle to stretch my legs while we were stuck in traffic. Out of nowhere, someone in a tricycle recognized me and called out, “Dr. Apoki!” Moments later, I saw members of the Nigerian Labour Congress inside a Corolla car, and they too called out to me, saying, “Oh, Dr. Apoki, you see what your generation did to us!” I didn’t know these people, but they knew me.

Recognition and Impact:

When we finally got to our destination, I was entering the hotel when a young man approached me. Later, at a restaurant, more people recognized me and called out my name. This recognition extends beyond Nigeria—I have received calls from Nepal, Brazil, Italy, and several other countries.

The Power of Consistency:

The key point I want to emphasize is consistency. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I worked closely with Reverend Charles Adedo to organize fellowship meetings. What started as a seemingly insignificant activity has now grown into something much bigger. Anywhere I go, people know Dr. Charles Apoki. The secret to this widespread recognition and impact is consistency.

A Journey of Consistency:

No matter what you do or how you start, being consistent is crucial. It is not just about what you do but how consistently you do it. Whether it is in your personal life, career, or any endeavor you undertake, consistency is what sets you apart and drives your success.

Final Thoughts:

Consistency has been the backbone of my journey. It has taken me from humble beginnings to being recognized and contacted from various corners of the world. I encourage you to embrace consistency in whatever you do. Keep at it, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the beginning. Over time, your efforts will yield results beyond your expectations.

Stay consistent, and you will see the fruits of your labor. God bless you all.

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