Why Many Gifted and Intelligent People Crash

This issue is prevalent and affects individuals across various fields. The key factor I want to highlight today is restraint.

The Importance of Restraint:

Restraint is the ability to hold back your strength, to reduce your speed when you are about to crash. It is the capacity to resist or prevent yourself from being excessive. Without restraint, even the most talented individuals can find themselves on a path to self-destruction.

  1. Divine Restraint:
    • There are moments in life when divine intervention holds us back from making detrimental choices. For example, in the Bible, King Abimelech was restrained by God from committing a grave error with Sarah, Abraham’s wife. This divine restraint prevented a disaster.
    • Have you ever been about to cross the road and something held you back just before a speeding car passed by? That’s divine restraint at work. Always pray for divine restraint, especially in situations where your strength or desires might lead you astray.
  2. Personal Restraint:
    • Relationships: Temptations are inevitable, especially regarding relationships and interactions with the opposite sex. I recall a time when I was strongly tempted by a beautiful young lady working with me. However, divine restraint held me back from making a wrong choice.
    • Speech: Control the way you speak. The pitch, tone, and content of your speech matter. Speaking too loudly or inappropriately can offend others. Restrain yourself from talking excessively or saying things that might be hurtful or inappropriate.
    • Appetite: Restrain your eating and drinking habits. Overindulgence can ruin your health. I maintain a relatively good figure because I watch what I eat and drink.
  3. Ambition:
    • Ambition without restraint can lead to unrealistic pursuits and eventual disappointment. At my age, I have learned to curb my ambitions. There are certain positions or roles I no longer strive for, understanding that they are not aligned with my current phase of life.
    • Even in the spiritual realm, restraint is crucial. The Bible says the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. Learn to control your spiritual expressions to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.
  4. Financial Restraint:
    • Spending money without restraint leads to financial ruin. You cannot buy everything or own everything. Practice financial discipline by prioritizing your needs and controlling your desires.
    • In creating content, show restraint to avoid legal issues or offending others.


Restraint is a vital principle that can help you actualize your potential and avoid crashing despite your gifts and intelligence. It is the key to living a balanced and successful life.

God bless you all!

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