Push Your Dream | Follow the Process

Too many people are misled by the idea that success can come without effort. But the truth is, you can’t just sit back and say “I receive, I receive” and expect things to change.

The Reality of Effort:

I recently watched a pastor in Dubai telling his congregation that they could sit in their homes and money would just walk to them. It doesn’t happen like that. I wrote a book titled Money is an Idiot, but it is not idiotic enough to walk to your house. There is a process – a process of simplicity, hard work, diligence, and doing things with a great mind.

The Importance of Pushing Through:

Most young people today don’t want to follow the process. They want instant success. But let me tell you, you cannot achieve your dreams without pushing through obstacles and difficulties. When I sold my hospital and started my ministry, people called me a madman, a fake in-law, and many other names. But I kept pushing.

Think about Alexander Graham Bell. The man who started working on the telephone before him was close, but Bell made a slight adjustment, and the telephone was born. That little push made all the difference.

Follow the Process:

There is a process to everything. You must know it, and you must follow it in detail. Missing one step can distort your entire dream. I didn’t get here overnight. I went through many challenges. I sold cars, drove long distances, and faced countless obstacles. But I never gave up.

Simplicity and Hard Work:

There is too much over-packaging today. People are more concerned with looking successful than actually being successful. I want to set a new approach for our young ones. When I started, I faced financial hardships and had to rely on friends and colleagues for support. But I kept working hard.

You can’t just fold your hands and expect money to come to you. There is a process of simplicity, hard work, diligence, and a great mind. Most young people today don’t want to follow that process.

Mentorship and Guidance:

I am taking my son through the same rigor I went through. He schooled in Europe and worked in America, but I want him to understand the value of hard work. We must take our children through the processes if we want them to succeed.

Perspective and Patience:

Perspective is crucial. You need to see where you want to be, even if you’re not there yet. Avoid toxic people who discourage you. Surround yourself with those who can encourage and stimulate you.

Practical Steps:

  1. Push: Always push through obstacles and difficulties.
  2. Process: Follow the process diligently. Don’t skip steps.
  3. Perspective: Keep your end goal in sight. Stay focused.
  4. Simplicity: Avoid over-packaging and grandiosity. Stay humble.
  5. Hard Work: Success requires hard work and dedication.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, don’t be fooled by the idea of easy success. Push your dream, follow the process, and you will achieve your goals.

God bless you.

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