The Only Language “Stupid” People Understand

In life, especially if you come from a troublesome family where people want to dominate you, it’s essential to learn to resist. Many of those who trouble you are often lazy and unprogressive, trying to bring you down to their level. You must resist them to stand on your own.

The Power of Resistance:

Take the nation of Israel, for instance. Despite facing numerous adversities, they have developed the ability to resist intimidation, which has allowed them to thrive over the years. This principle applies to us as individuals too. We need to stand firm against those who try to hinder our progress.

Standing Your Ground:

The Bible says; “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” People will often try to treat you the way they treated the last person who looked like you. It is vital to stand your ground and not let anyone intimidate you. In the United States, for instance, citizens often resist unwarranted demands from law enforcement, knowing their rights.

Personal Anecdotes:

When I started creating content on social media, some tried to intimidate me, not knowing that I am from Niger Delta, physically and intellectually aggressive. I resisted them and still do today. To make progress, you will face forces against you. Learn to resist them.

Real-Life Examples:

I remember a South Sudanese FBI agent who was racially profiled by police officers. He resisted their attempts to intimidate him and stood his ground, proving his superior position. Similarly, when my son faced intimidation in Europe, he stood his ground and made the intimidator respect him.

The Importance of Resistance in Society:

We see this resistance in various contexts. Kenyan youths, for example, are standing up against oppressive policies. In Burkina Faso and other African nations, people are resisting colonial influences and standing up for their rights. Resistance is crucial for societal progress.

Practical Applications:

Even in personal situations, like when I buried my father, I resisted societal pressures to conform to traditional expectations that I found unnecessary. By doing things my way, I saved time and resources and honored my father’s memory in a manner that felt right to me.


There are things and people in life that you must learn to resist. Whether it is troublesome family members, societal expectations, or oppressive policies, standing your ground is vital. Develop the mindset of resistance if you want to make progress and gain recognition.

Remember, resist fear, resist intimidation, and you will succeed in life.

God bless you,

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