How to Know a Senseless Man | Wives Please Take Note

I want to share with you four (4) things I do not do:

  1. I don’t struggle for things with people.
  2. I don’t hustle.
  3. I don’t borrow money from banks or people.
  4. I don’t commit adultery.

Avoiding Adultery for a Responsible Old Age:

Recently, I spoke to some men in their 50s. After my talk, as I was heading to my hotel room, I saw some ladies sitting by the staircase who greeted me nicely. Little did I know these girls were arranged for the men I had just addressed.

If you want a comfortable and responsible old age, avoid adultery. Only cheap and easily excitable men commit adultery. Let’s delve into what the Bible says about this.

Biblical Insights on Adultery:

Proverbs 6:26 – Adultery reduces your value to the value of a crumb of bread. Cheap men commit adultery.

Proverbs 6:26 (continued) – The adulteress will prey on your life, so you are willfully walking into a trap.

Proverbs 6:27-28 – Adultery is like setting fire on your lap; your life will incinerate. Many people face numerous problems because of adultery.

Proverbs 6:32-33 – Adultery is like a narrow well, offering no space to grow or maneuver. You struggle throughout life and are surrounded by stupid friends who think they are enjoying.

1 Corinthians 6:16 – He who commits adultery joins his spirit and body with the adulteress. If you sleep with a prostitute, you are one with her and all the men she has been with. This transfers demons and negative spirits into your life.

Consequences of Adultery:

When you commit adultery, you bring trouble into your life and your marriage. My wife can read all my text messages, and I have no secrets from her. This transparency brings peace to my home.

Proverbs 6:34-35 – Adultery makes you act like a thief who must pay a price. It is called cheating for a reason, and there are consequences.

The Dangers of Immorality:

After a few drinks, every woman might look beautiful, leading you to make poor decisions. Engaging in adultery exposes you to various dangers, including sexually transmitted infections and the spiritual transfer of negative energies.

Think about it: when you kiss someone who has had multiple partners, you are indirectly kissing all those partners. If you practice oral sex, you risk exposing yourself to even more dangers.

The Stupidity of Adultery:

Some men boast about spending millions on their mistresses while neglecting their communities. They haven’t built schools or clinics in their communities, but they can give a girl millions. This is utter foolishness.

Proverbs 6:32 – He who commits adultery is senseless. Adultery makes you stupid, and the Bible confirms this.

Transform Your Life:

Adultery can ruin your life, your marriage, and your relationship with God. The Bible says that if you deal treacherously with your wife, your prayers will not be answered. Even if you seem to be doing well now, adultery is digging a hole around your foundation, and eventually, you will collapse.

A wise man does not commit adultery. Change your ways, and you will see your life transform.

God bless you.

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