Why I Do Not Tolerate Every Idiot | I Don’t Pretend To Be Nice

Setting the Record Straight: The Bible teaches us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against us shall be condemned (Isaiah 54:17). This doesn’t mean we sit idly by while falsehoods and accusations are hurled at us. Jesus himself did not entertain those who spoke ill against him because he knew that judgment awaited them. However, when it comes to defending oneself in the face of unjust accusations or attacks, it’s essential to take a stand.

Condemning False Accusations: In Nigeria, as in many parts of the world, silence in the face of false accusations can be deadly. If 20 people start shouting accusations against you, ignoring them won’t make the problem disappear; it could escalate. Therefore, it is crucial to condemn, nullify, and render useless any false accusations or attacks aimed at tarnishing your reputation or causing harm.

Embracing Empowerment: I do not tolerate every fool because I believe in standing up for truth and righteousness. Pretending to be nice or ignoring baseless attacks does not serve justice or protect one’s integrity. Instead, it is about asserting your rights and defending your character against unjustified assaults.

In conclusion, remember to stand firm against false accusations and attacks, condemning them with the power of truth and integrity. Together, we can navigate life’s challenges and empower ourselves to achieve greatness.

God bless you.

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