ONE Thing Responsible For Our Backwardness In Africa | It Will Shock You.

A Reflection on Miracles and Progress:

As I sit down to enjoy a hearty meal of Banga soup with grass cutter, I am reminded of a profound truth: the miraculous is not a sustainable way of living. The miraculous, while an intermittent intervention of divinity in the affairs of humanity when we are helpless and confused, should not be our primary focus.

One of the critical issues holding us back in Africa is our over-reliance on miracles and divine interventions. We hear countless preaching in churches that emphasize miracles and signs, yet fail to encourage practical thinking and action. Yes, Jesus multiplied bread and fish, but that did not stop bakers from baking or fishermen from fishing the next day.

Using Our Heads: Common Sense and Innovation:

It is time for Africans to start using their heads—thinking critically, planning strategically, acting decisively, and analyzing rigorously. We do not need to wait for the Red Sea to part again; instead, we should be designing submarines to navigate it. God has given us common sense and intellect to solve problems and innovate.

Let us shift our focus from constantly seeking divine intervention for what we can achieve through our own efforts. Instead of using our heads to merely pray for miracles, let us use them to make profits, build empires, and create sustainable solutions for our communities.


Let us break free from the cycle of dependency on miracles and embrace a culture of innovation, planning, and strategic action. Together, we can propel Africa forward towards prosperity and sustainable development.

God bless you abundantly.

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