Happy Birthday to My Grandson, Luca | Men, Intentionally Plan & Work for Your Legacy

Happy Birthday to My Grandson, Luca | Men, Intentionally Plan & Work for Your Legacy

Today is a special day as we celebrate the second birthday of my dear grandson, Luca Apoki. It is a joy to witness the fulfillment of long-held dreams and prayers. I remember, as a young man, sharing my vision of having grandchildren all over the world. Today, I’m grateful to God for answering those prayers. Luca, my grandson, is a European citizen, and his life is a testament to intentional planning and foresight.

Intentional Planning for a Better Future

Years ago, I saw the direction our nation was heading, and I decided to plan ahead. In 2008, I sent my first son overseas, anticipating a better future for my family. This decision wasn’t just about escaping the challenges here but about securing a legacy for the generations to come.

The Benefits of Strategic Planning

From the moment Luca’s mother was pregnant, every step was meticulously planned. In the European country where Luca was born, his mother received excellent medical care. She had access to regular scans, and when it was time to deliver, an ambulance took her from church to the hospital. She stayed there until she delivered, choosing a natural birth, and walked out without paying a penny, thanks to social insurance.

The state provided for Luca from birth, including diapers and a monthly allowance greater than the minimum wage here in Nigeria. His mother was entitled to a two-year maternity leave with pay, during which she could stay in a hotel with my son, all paid for by the government. Luca will also benefit from free education up to the PhD level and can travel around Europe with ease.

Investing in Family Legacy

My journey to this point was not easy. I invested early, even when it meant personal sacrifices. I wore only two pairs of shoes, trekked to preach, and my wife and I made do with what we had. We bought and sold land to pay school fees, knowing that these investments would pay off. Today, Luca’s European citizenship, free education, and international exposure are the gains of these investments.

Building for the Future

Our vision extends beyond just personal gains. We are building a legacy that includes a specialist hospital and a polytechnic. With family members in the medical field, including an orthopedic surgeon son and a cardiologist daughter-in-law, we aim to provide specialized healthcare in our community. This vision is rooted in Isaiah 61, where it says foreigners will shepherd our flocks and work in our institutions.

A Message to Luca

Luca, happy birthday! You will carry the Apoki name far and wide, running with a greater vision than your grandfather. With the internet and the resources at your disposal, you will achieve even more. Remember, your grandfather invested for gain, and you are living the profit of those investments.

Upcoming Seminar

I invite you all to our upcoming seminar on July 5th and 6th, titled “Investing for Gain, Profit, and Living on Profit.” The seminar fee is now 15,000 Naira for late registration. Send a message to +234 7052 13 6763 to register. Let’s learn how to plan intentionally and work towards a lasting legacy.

I am Dr. Charles Apoki, your area grandfather, and the man with a vision. God bless you all.

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