Why Some Folks Don’t Make Significant Progress in Life: Inertia

Often, I engage in deep philosophical discussions with my wife and children. Recently, I was talking with my sister Bridget from Kano about why people struggle to make progress. This conversation led me to some enlightening conclusions;

Understanding Inertia:

Inertia is the reluctance to move when you are supposed to move or the reluctance to stop when you are supposed to stop. I recall a time when my hospital was in Ogo Hill, and when vehicles stopped on top of the hill, they first rolled back before moving forward. This resistance to movement is inertia.

One of Newton’s laws of motion states that everything continues in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line until an external force is applied. In today’s engineering, internal forces also play a role, which is why combustion engines move and rockets change directions.

The Inertia of Staying in One Place:

Why do people stay in one place for so long? You see this in many places: churches where the same person has been an usher for years, or a choir master looking the same after years. This is inertia.

The Base of the Pyramid:

At the base of the pyramid, there is congestion, criticism, conflict, and unnecessary competition. This area is filled with the “crab mentality”—people pulling each other down. Unless you overcome this mentality, you will remain stuck.

When I began speaking and sharing my ideas, many criticized me. These “dirty small boys” with dull brains are still where they are, while I have moved forward by breaking away from the crab mentality.

The Inertia of Confusion:

Many people are confused about what to do, where to go, who to marry, and what to study. This is confusion inertia. To break free from this, you need ideas as ingredients to build your future. These ideas can be broken down into the following “I’s”:

  1. Instruction
  2. Information
  3. Inspiration
  4. Intuition (divided into Aesthetic Intuition, Ideal Intuition, and Emergent Intuition)
  5. Instinct

Once these concepts enter your subconscious, your body will start to act, breaking you free from confusion.

Breaking Other Forms of Inertia:

Financial Inertia

Many people wait for the perfect financial situation to start something. Instead, ask yourself what you can offer of value and what services you can render. Start small, save diligently, and work your way up.

Social Acrophobia

Some people fear becoming too popular or too rich. However, managing poverty is more difficult and challenging than managing success. Embrace your potential and strive for the top.


Just start. Begin with what you have, where you are, and how you are doing it. Improvement comes with action. Don’t let inertia hold you back.

Don’t be a full stop in your life’s journey.

God bless you.

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