There Is an Untapped Power in You. Identify It and Be More Creative

Identifying your untapped power is like discovering your purpose in life. There is no holding back or limitations when it you have been able to identify it. In Psalm 14:1, the Bible says, “The fool says in his heart that there is no God.” This verse reminds us of the inherent wisdom and creativity that God has placed within us. I’ve been teaching about the five eyes that will help you progress in life: instruction, information, instinct, intuition, and inspiration.

The Wisdom of Nature: As I was inspecting some real estate areas, I found several bird nests on the ground and picked up this one in particular. It might be a weaver bird’s nest. Look at the intricate design and the curvature. The nest is structured to protect the eggs and chicks from rain and predators. How did the bird acquire the knowledge to create this masterpiece?

The bird relies on instinct, a natural ability given by God. If a bird can build such a nest without hands, why should you remain a tenant all your life? Why squander your money when you can build your own house? Once you buy the land, you can start small, molding blocks gradually. This bird nest is a testament to the creative ability within you. You need to listen inwardly more and produce outwardly.

The Marvel of Human Ingenuity: Consider the genius behind everyday things like cheese, butter, garri from cassava, or cooking banga soup. These innovations started from an instinctive knowledge placed in humans by God. Even without laboratories, people discovered these processes.

In my medical practice, I see the beauty of God’s design in the human body. During a cesarean section, the intricate arrangement of internal organs is astonishing. When performing intestinal anastomosis, the intestines start healing and moving as soon as they are reconnected. Who teaches a baby to cry, smile, laugh, or suckle? These reflexes are instinctive, God-given abilities.

Unlocking Your Potential: There is God in you, and there is good in you. Don’t silence the voice of God within you. Many significant events in my life happened instinctively, like doing a viral video in the rain during the EndSARS protests. These instincts align with societal norms, the rules of the land, and the word of God. The Holy Spirit often prompts you to do good things.

Identify the untapped power within you and be more creative, the world is waiting for you, so am I.

God bless you.

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