How to Become a Person of Value

As Albert Einstein wisely stated, “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” This statement holds timeless wisdom that can guide us in our personal and professional lives.

Understanding Value Over Success:

Einstein’s advice prompts us to shift our focus from merely seeking success to striving for value. Success is often measured by external achievements such as wealth, status, or accolades. However, value is measured by the positive impact we have on others and the legacy we leave behind.

Einstein also noted that many people look to take more out of life than they give. This mindset can lead to a shallow and unfulfilling existence. Instead, aim to be creative in ways that benefit humanity, not just yourself. Your actions should contribute to the well-being of others and the betterment of society.

Daily Impact:

A simple yet powerful question to ask yourself is, “How many people wake up daily to thank God because of my life?” This question reflects the essence of being a person of value. When others appreciate your presence and contributions, it signifies that you are making a meaningful difference.

This morning, I received several messages from people expressing their gratitude for my life. These messages reminds me that true success is measured by the positive influence we have on others. This is my greatest desire—to be a source of blessing and inspiration to those around me.

Practical Steps to Becoming a Person of Value:

  1. Serve Others: Look for ways to serve and help others without expecting anything in return. Acts of kindness and generosity create a ripple effect of positivity.
  2. Develop Empathy: Cultivate empathy by understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Empathy strengthens relationships and fosters a supportive community.
  3. Pursue Personal Growth: Continuously seek knowledge and self-improvement. By enhancing your skills and character, you become better equipped to contribute to others.
  4. Create Meaningful Connections: Build genuine relationships based on trust, respect, and mutual support. Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you to be better.
  5. Leave a Legacy: Think about the long-term impact of your actions. Strive to leave a legacy that reflects your values and positively influences future generations.


Aspire to be a person of value, someone whose life enriches others and brings glory to God. Let your actions and words inspire those around you. Remember, success is fleeting, but the value you create endures.

God bless you.

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