Don’t Let People Make You Feel Guilty | Especially if You are in the Diaspora

People expect a lot from you, especially when you are in diaspora, and when you are unable to meet up with their expectations of you, they guilt trip you. Snap out of it, you owe them no explanation.

Don’t Let Guilt Hold You Back

As you grow older and reflect on your life, you must have realized that you have worked very hard to achieve a certain level of success and comfort. This is no small feat, especially when you are far from home, navigating new cultures, and building a life from scratch. Yet, despite your efforts, there are always those who will try to make you feel guilty for their own shortcomings.

Helping Others: A Double-Edged Sword

Many of you have generously helped people back home—family members, friends, and even acquaintances. Unfortunately, some of these individuals squander the opportunities you provide. They continue to call, asking for more help, more money, and more support. They are like the grave, never satisfied, always wanting more.

These individuals often use family ties to manipulate you. “You know you are my uncle,” “Your father is my this or that,” they say, trying to guilt you into giving. It is essential to remember the parable of the foolish and wise virgins. Do not give away your oil and end up in darkness with those you are trying to help.

It’s Okay to Be Selfish

At a certain point in life, it is okay to become selfish. Think about where you are going, the challenges you face, and the goals you still have to achieve. You cannot pour from an empty cup. If you exhaust your resources and energy helping those who refuse to help themselves, you will have nothing left for your own needs.

Understand Your Limits

Understand that there is a limit to how much you can help others. In the final analysis, when you need assistance, those very people who drained your resources may not be around to support you. They are, in many cases, parasites who feed off your hard work without contributing anything meaningful in return.


Remember, it is not too nice to be too nice. Do not let guilt drive your decisions. Stand firm in your boundaries and prioritize your well-being. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor without being weighed down by the unreasonable demands of others.

God bless you, and may you find the strength to make decisions that honor your hard work and dedication.

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