I Work Hard, but I am Never Desperate

In a world where hustle culture is glorified, I want to remind you of the peace and sufficiency found in trusting God’s plan. Desperation is what leads to finding shortcut to success, but then, where is the glory.

The glory comes from trusting God’s Plan

Can you be relaxed in God’s hands? Can you just trust Him? Remember the words from Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This verse changed my perspective. I’ve learned not to hustle or rush because I trust in God’s provision.

One of the scriptures that profoundly impacted me is Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” This means you are a purpose, a duty clothed with flesh, recreated in Christ Jesus. Your existence is ambassadorial, representing God’s interests on Earth and establishing His kingdom here.


God’s Workmanship

Another scripture that anchors my life is Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Trusting this truth helps me remain calm and confident, knowing that every experience, even the tough ones, refines and prepares me for greater things.

Learning to Trust

One of the biggest challenges the Israelites faced in the wilderness was their inability to trust God completely. They couldn’t rest in His peace and sufficiency. Similarly, today, many people struggle with trust, rushing through life without acknowledging God’s plan.

When you start fulfilling God’s purpose, it can be tough. This toughness is a refinement process. Just like gold is refined by removing impurities, and diamonds are formed under pressure, we too are shaped by our trials. I wrote about this in my book “Refined by Hardship.” Hardships are not meant to break you but to build you into a person of value.

Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a person of success but rather try to become a person of value.” Look around the world, and you’ll see more people wanting to take than to give. Be creative and contribute positively to humanity. It’s not about the immediate success but about the lasting value you create.

Paying Your Dues

I’ve paid my dues, and now, I enjoy financial independence and the rewards of years of labor in God’s kingdom. Let me share a story: After a podcast in Lagos, I met a young man who recognized me and insisted on booking a hotel for me to ensure my safety. Another friend sent an SUV with security to take me to an interview. These acts of kindness are the results of years of sowing into people’s lives.

Divine Guidance

Living a life led by the Spirit of God brings immense blessings. The woman with the issue of blood was led by the Spirit to touch Jesus’ garment. The Samaritan leper returned to thank Jesus and was made whole. It’s not just about quoting scriptures; it’s about being led by the Spirit.

One day, I felt a restraint from the Spirit of God to stay put and reconcile my books instead of going out. Later, I was blessed with a meal and more, simply because I followed divine guidance. God’s mercies are new every morning, and His restorative processes are constant.

When you serve and listen to God, and contribute positively to humanity, you’ll find that humanity pays your bills. The struggle and competition are unnecessary. Fulfill your purpose, and humanity will be a blessing to you.

God bless you.

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