One Mistake Peter Obi Made

An Xray of Nigeria Using Carlo M. Cipolla’s Law

Hello, I am Dr. Charles Apoki, and today, I want to discuss Carlo M. Cipolla’s Theory of Stupidity in relation to the Nigerian political landscape. Cipolla, an Italian historian born in 1922 and died in 2000, developed theories on stupidity and human society that can be remarkably insightful when applied to Nigerian politics.

Learning from Mistakes
One of Cipolla’s initial theories posits that if individuals or societies fail to learn from their mistakes, they are doomed to repeat them perpetually. This is evident in Nigerian politics. The electorate has not learned that accepting bribes such as rice, beans, mats, or buckets in exchange for votes ultimately results in electing tyrants and bandits into power. This practice sells their birthright and perpetuates their own suffering.
Politicians also fail to learn from their mistakes. By stealing public funds and devastating the economy, they ensure a future where they too will suffer. When these corrupt politicians fall ill, they may find themselves unable to access quick medical help due to poor infrastructure—an infrastructure they contributed to ruining. No matter how wealthy they are, they are often treated poorly in developed countries due to their nation’s poverty. The police officers who suppress peaceful protests for these politicians will eventually face the same systemic failures—delayed gratuities, poor healthcare, and bad roads—when they retire.

Tribal Politics and Collective Ignorance
Nigerians have not learned that tribal politics is detrimental. As Peter Obi pointed out, everyone buys from the same market regardless of their religion or tribe. The consequences of poor governance affect all citizens equally. Yet, the electorate continues to support politicians based on tribal affiliations rather than merit, perpetuating a cycle of poor leadership and suffering.
Cipolla’s Quadrants of Human Behavior
Cipolla divided humanity into four quadrants using two axes: contribution to society (positive or negative) and personal benefit (selfish or altruistic).

  1. Helpless People: These individuals contribute positively to society but do not benefit themselves. They are often altruists, religious people, or community servants who give their best to society without receiving much in return.
  2. Intelligent People: These people benefit both society and themselves. They create mutually beneficial situations, leading to greater good for everyone involved. For instance, running a profitable seminar that educates attendees while generating income is a win-win scenario.
  3. Bandits: These individuals benefit themselves at the expense of society. Examples include corrupt politicians, kidnappers, and officials who falsify election results. They harm society for personal gain without any regard for the common good.
  4. Stupid People: These people cause harm to society and themselves. They engage in activities that are detrimental without gaining any benefit. For instance, individuals who disrupt elections without any prospect of gaining political power themselves.
    Impact of Stupidity in Nigeria
    According to Cipolla, non-stupid people often underestimate the number of stupid people and the damage they can cause. In Nigeria, the number of unreasonable people supporting iniquity is disproportionately high. This includes educated individuals like professors and judges who falsify results or defend corrupt practices.
    Stupidity is not tied to any particular tribe, gender, or level of education. You can find stupid people across all strata of society. A professor who falsifies election results or a police officer who protects a corrupt politician is just as stupid as any other uneducated person engaging in harmful activities.

The Danger of Stupidity
Stupid people are more dangerous than bandits, terrorists, or even nuclear weapons because they cause harm without any rational benefit. Their actions are unpredictable and destructive, making them difficult to manage. In Nigeria, these individuals hold significant power and influence, making the situation even more perilous.

The Way Forward

To improve Nigeria, intelligent and helpless people must collaborate to resist bandits and educate the stupid. This cooperation is essential for societal development. However, as Cipolla’s first law states, if stupid people are unwilling to learn, they will continue to make the same mistakes repeatedly.

In conclusion, Nigeria’s political situation can be aptly analyzed through Cipolla’s theory of stupidity. The nation’s progress depends on reducing the influence of stupid people and bandits while promoting intelligent, mutually beneficial actions.

I am your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. Let us strive for a better Nigeria by understanding and addressing these fundamental issues.

God bless you all.

Dr. Charles Apoki

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