Questions I had to answer | You need to too

Today, I woke up with a series of questions on my mind, inspired by a message asking what questions we should ask ourselves daily. I’ll start with the questions to ask when you are young and then move to the ones you should ask daily.

Key Questions to Ask Yourself

1. Who Are You?

  • Identity: I am Dr. Charles Apoki, a medical doctor.
  • Background: From a poor family, a minority tribe in Nigeria, a nation with lost international respect.

2. What Are You?

  • Role: The arrowhead of my family, tasked with elevating the family name.
  • Purpose: Rectify family ills, produce a better generation, influence the next generation, and create a better country.
  • Ambassador: Represent God, humanity, and Nigeria, aspiring to be global citizens.

3. Where Are You?

  • Location: I live in Ughelli, a small town, and belong to the Urhobo ethnic group, the fifth or sixth largest in Nigeria.
  • Productivity: I need to be ten times more productive than others from more prominent ethnic groups.
  • Representation: As a Nigerian and a black man, I must excel to counter stereotypes and develop integrity to gain respect globally.

4. What Do You Need to Do?

  • Education: Pursued medical school and a master’s degree in social sciences.
  • Excellence: Achieved top results to gain respect and global influence.
  • Frugality: Came from a poor home, so I needed to be economical and hardworking.
  • Knowledge: Used books and the internet to stand out and become a “mobile encyclopedia.”

5. Where Do You Hope to Be?

  • Future Goals: Aim for global recognition and break the glass ceiling.
  • Networking: Build friendships and relationships worldwide.
  • Legacy: Manage resources wisely so my children have something to fall back on, unlike my father.

Daily Questions to Reflect On

  • Who am I?
  • What am I?
  • Where am I?
  • Where am I going?
  • What do I need to do to get there?


These questions help guide your actions and decisions. Know who you are, what you are, where you are, and where you hope to be. Plan and act accordingly to achieve your goals.

I remain your friend, the area grandfather, Dr. Charles Apoki.

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